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Articles in Category: Policy & Politics

Minnesota Job Creators Stand Ready to Enact Pro-Growth Tax Policy

Employees & Employers Oppose Job-Killing, Consumer-Punishing Border Adjustment Tax

Minnesota Job Creators Stand Ready to Enact Pro-Growth Tax Policy

Americans for Affordable Products (AAP) – a collection of more than 400 businesses and trade associations seeking to stop the Border Adjustment Tax (BAT) – released the following statement in response to President Donald J. Trump’s tax policy unveiled yesterday:

“Retailers across Minnesota are encouraged by President Trump and his administration’s remarks yesterday on an approach to tax policy that excludes the ill-conceived Border Adjustment Tax. The Border Adjustment Tax concept is a job-killer to retail—one of Minnesota’s largest job-producing industries,” said Bruce Nustad, president of the Minnesota Retailers Association. “We are grateful the president has chosen not to increase the cost of basic necessities like gasoline, groceries, clothing and medicine. That approach would have hurt Minnesota’s consumers, families, and jobs.” 

To obtain a full list of the AAP coalition, click here.


Consumers Will Feel The Pain In Rising Costs From The Border Adjustment Tax:

Consumers Will Be Hurt By The Border Adjustment Tax Costing American Families As Much As $1,700. Upon passage, the Border Adjustment Tax or BAT will be slapped on everyday necessities costing American families as much as $1,700. (National Retail Federation, Accessed 1/31/17)

Border Adjustment Tax Threatens Largest National Employment Sector Representing One Quarter Of Americans:

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP: Retail Is The Nation’s Largest Employment Sector Supporting 42 Million Jobs & Representing Employment For One In Four Americans. “Retail is the largest private-sector employer in the United States, supporting one out of every four jobs. A healthy and vibrant retail industry delivers a powerful impact across our economy … Retailers directly provide 29 million American jobs … The retail industry supports a total of 42 million jobs in retail and a host of other industries – 23.4% of total U.S. employment.” (National Retail Federation, Accessed 1/28/17)

Americans for Affordable Products is a coalition of job creators, entrepreneurs, business leaders and consumers united against higher prices on everyday necessities. To learn more, please visit:

Additional Information:


To schedule an interview with an Americans for Affordable Products representative, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Minnesota Election Results For Retailers

Republicans take control of Senate and keep House

Minnesota Election Results For Retailers

The 2016 general election in Minnesota saw every single seat in the Legislature up for grabs--201 seats in total (67 seats in the Senate and 134 seats in the House). During the 2015-2016 biennium, the House of Representatives was controlled by the Republican Caucus with a 12-seat margin. The Senate was controlled by the DFL Caucus with an 11-seat margin.

Minnesota House
The Republican Caucus retained control of the Minnesota House of Representatives and increased its majority from 73 seats to 76 seats (with a special election in February to decide a vacant seat in District 32B).That seat, which leans Republican, would further expand a Republican majority to 77 seats.

Minnesota Senate

In the Senate, the Republican Caucus gained 6 seats which flipped control of the chamber from the DFL. The Republican Caucus now has a 1 seat majority at 34 of 67 seats. Tomorrow, the Senate Republican Caucus will meet to begin the process of electing a new Senate Majority Leader, President of the Senate, Chair of the Finance Committee, and Chair of the Taxes Committee.

2017-2018 State Legislative Composition

Given the 2016 election results, both chambers of the Legislature will be in Republican control for the upcoming 2017-2018 biennium. The Governor's office remains in the control of DFL Governor Mark Dayton who has 2 years remaining in his term--continuing divided government in Minnesota.

Minnesota Congressional Races

Minnesota's Congressional delegation remains a DFL majority with five of the eight seats won by DFL candidates.

Mn Retailers IMPACT Endorsed Candidates Results

Ten of the 11 candidates endorsed by the Mn Retailers IMPACT political fund won election.

Endorsed in House:  Dave Baker (elected), Jenifer Loon (elected), Jim Nash (elected), Greg Davids (elected), Dennis Smith (elected), Roz Peterson (elected).

Endorsed in Senate: Ann Rest (elected), Julie Rosen (elected), Paul Gazelka (elected), Paul Anderson (elected), Vicki Jensen (lost election).

Election Impact On The Retail Economy

The election produced the addition of newly elected legislators and the retention of incumbent legislators that demonstrate an appreciation for what the retail industry offers Minnesota's economy and understand the importance of the 788,000 jobs supported by retailers across the State.

It remains to be seen whether the legislature will meet in a lame-duck special session to find a solution to the healthcare premiums situation and an agreement on a bonding or tax bill prior to the start of the 2017 legislative session.

Mn Retailers IMPACT Endorses Candidates

Mn Retailers IMPACT fund says candidates are good for Minnesota consumers, retailers, and communities

Mn Retailers IMPACT Endorses Candidates

Today Mn Retailers IMPACT announced the endorsement of these 11 candidates running for the State Legislature:

Minnesota House
Dave Baker - 17B
Greg Davids - 28B
Dennis Smith - 34B
Jim Nash - 47A
Jenifer Loon - 48B
Roz Peterson - 56B

Minnesota Senate
Paul Gazelka - 9
Julie Rosen - 23
Vicki Jensen - 24
Paul Anderson - 44
Ann Rest - 45

“These candidates have demonstrated an appreciation for what the retail industry offers Minnesota’s economy as the industry supports 788,000 jobs across the State. Each endorsed candidate is a champion for Minnesota consumers, retailers, and our communities,” said Mn Retailers IMPACT treasurer Bruce Nustad.

Mn Retailers IMPACT is funded through personal contributions used to support candidates who appreciate retailer contributions to Minnesota communities.

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