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Governor Dayton's Sales Tax Plan Details

Confused on what would be taxed, what would be exempt, and other sales tax reductions?

This past Tuesday, Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton released his comprehensive budget proposal. Changes to the sales tax system that would deeply impact Minnesota retailers are a cornerstone of the Governor's budget. 
MnRA's has been on record thanking the Governor for the inclusion of E-Fairness in his proposal, as well as endorsing the concept of lowering Minnesota's sales tax rate, but is concerned about several other sales tax provisions that would have a negative impact on retailers, including expanding the sales tax to clothing items selling for $100 or more and taxes on retail services.

Confused on what would be taxed, what would be exempt, and other sales tax reductions?

Click below to see explanations of each as released Thursday by Minnesota's Management and Budget Office.
EXPANDED: Click here to see sales taxes expanded under Dayton's plan.
EXEMPTED: Click here to see sales tax exemptions under Dayton's plan.
REDUCED: Click here to see sales tax reductions under Dayton's plan.
If you have any questions please contact MnRA's Government Relations Director, Rochelle Westlund, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

About the Author

Rochelle Westlund

Rochelle Westlund is Director of Government Relations with the Minnesota Retailers Association.

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